10 Benefits of Email Marketing | Best Chrome Extension for Email


Everyone is familiar with the term email. It is an old technology that is still working effectively and giving the best results for businesses.

Below we have highlighted the key benefits of email marketing, emphasizing its effectiveness in achieving marketing goals and the best chrome extensions for email marketing.

What is email marketing?

Email Marketing is a way by which businesses can talk to their customers, generate leads, and gather feedback for their services. It is a cost-effective marketing strategy, that helps in increasing brand awareness.

Ten Benefits of Email Marketing

Benefits of Email Marketing

Email Marketing Delivers High Return on Investment

Email marketing is a highly efficient way to generate revenue. Compared to traditional marketing channels, the costs associated with designing, executing, and managing email campaigns are relatively low. Businesses can reach a large audience with low cost.

Drive Website Traffic

The content is king, even in the realm of emails. Make strategies to create compelling content that not only attracts the reader but also drives them to your website. Add a good CTA(call to action) to your website. A well-placed Call to Action (CTA) can transform an email from a mere message into a traffic-generating machine.

Build and Strengthen Customer Relationships

With Email Marketing businesses can engage with their audience on a more personal level. By providing valuable information, exclusive offers, and relevant updates, businesses can create a sense of trust and loyalty among their subscribers.

Increase Brand Awareness

Consistent and well-designed email campaigns help reinforce brand identity and keep the brand on top of the minds of subscribers. Email marketing helps to influence their customer’s perception of your products or services.

Cost-Effective Marketing Strategy

Email marketing is relatively affordable as compared to traditional forms of advertising. It eliminates the need for printing, postage, and other costs associated with physical materials.
Create Personalized Content And Increase your website traffic
Email could be a helpful way to increase your website traffic. You can build a list of subscribers and send them regular newsletters to drive more visitors to your site.

Make engaging content and generate Quality Leads

Getting a lead is one thing, but keeping them interested is another. Writing engaging content with strong CTA can make people more eager to sign up for exclusive offers, “early access” or “new arrival” posts. Using this strategy while writing emails works very well and helps businesses to drive results.

Utilize Automated Emails

Automation in the Marketing industry makes work more simple and easier. Businesses can set up automated email campaigns triggered by specific actions or events, such as welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, or anniversary greetings. Automation saves time, ensures timely communication, and allows for a more personalized and targeted approach to engaging with subscribers.

Gather Feedback

Email marketing is a great tool for collecting valuable feedback and insights from your customers. It helps small and large companies to have a follow-up with their interviewer. As big companies and major businesses use email to contact their prospected candidates or customers via mail.

Measurable Results

Email marketing platforms allow you to track the performance of your campaigns, plus they come up with analytics and reporting tools to make emailing more easier and effective. You can monitor metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to assess the effectiveness of your efforts.

Here is an example of a Business-Specific Email

  • For Small Businesses, email acts as a consistent means of staying connected with the audience. Small enterprises can use email for brand awareness and they can maintain good relationships with their customers.
  • Bloggers and publishers find email marketing invaluable for directing website traffic and affiliate links.
  • Email marketing is a powerful tool for eCommerce businesses like BigBasket, swiggy, and Zomato, enabling them to not only showcase and sell products but also to recover abandoned shopping carts.

Best Chrome Extension for Email Marketing

Gmass Chrome Extension

Best Chrome Extensions-gmass

Gmass is a simple tool by which you can automate your email marketing campaigns. It empowers users to send personalized mass emails, schedule campaigns, track engagement, set up automated follow-ups, and segment their email lists.

Yet Another Mail Merger (YAMM)

yamm best chrome extensions

Yet Another Mail Merger, commonly known as YAMM, is a powerful Chrome extension. YAMM is a well-known mail merge tool for Gmail. It allows us to send mass personalized emails in bulk directly from Gmail and Google Sheets.

Intuit Mailchimp

int mailchimp -best chrome extensions

Intuit is a GenAI-powered marketing assistant tool, that helps you generate content and make your marketing personalize. There isn’t a Chrome extension specifically provided by Intuit for Mailchimp. However, Mailchimp itself offers an official Chrome extension. Mailchimp for Google Chrome allows users to track email campaign performance, access subscriber details, and manage lists directly from the browser.

Overcoming Challenges in Email Marketing

Overcoming challenges in email marketing requires a strategic approach to address specific issues. Here are some tips for tackling the challenges in email Marketing.

  1. Avoiding Spam Filters

Avoid using misleading subject lines that may trigger spam filters. Don’t make excessive use of capital letters, exclamation marks, and spammy language. Remove inactive or bouncing email addresses to maintain a high-quality list.

  1. Handling Unsubscribes

Provide Easy Unsubscribe Options. Respect unsubscribe requests promptly to build trust with your audience. Don’t forget to add a brief survey or feedback form when someone unsubscribes to gather insights into their reasons.

  1. Maintaining Email Deliverability

Remove inactive or invalid email addresses to maintain a healthy sender reputation. Experiment with several days and hours to find the optimal schedule for your audience.


As businesses navigate the complexities of the online world, using the right tools becomes important. The email marketing Chrome extensions like Gmass, and YAMM emerges as valuable ally for email marketers.

Hope that the article helps you understand the benefits of email marketing, and these Chrome extensions will be helpful for the growth and success of your business.

Thank you for reading here, I hope you have liked this article and the article is related to your search. For digital marketing, web designing, SEO, SMM, and more related services contact with DigiPhlox.


1- How often should businesses send marketing emails?

The frequency of marketing emails depends on your audience and content. Too many emails may lead to subscriber fatigue, while too few may result in a lack of engagement.

2- Is email marketing suitable for small businesses?

Yes, email marketing is well-suited for small businesses. It offers a cost-effective way to reach a targeted audience, build relationships, and promote products or services.

3- Can automated emails replace personalized communication?

While automated emails are efficient for delivering timely and relevant content, they can’t replace the authenticity of personalized communication entirely. You can use AI tools for generating emails but don’t forget to add your own words.

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